============================================================== Guild: Eric's Support Server Channel: Archived Channels / 🎃spooky-ess-2020 Topic: ESSUtilities-enableLikeDislike ============================================================== [14-Oct-20 12:24 PM] ericgolde Hey! Here on ESS, we are holding a server wide competition for a Halloween/Spooky themed logo for the server! Which ever logo gets the most upvotes by **Monday the 19th** will be set as the server logo until November 1st. Rules for Entry: **1)** Must be your own work, not stolen off some clipart site **2)** Must be appropriate, and follow Discords TOS for server icons. **3)** Minimum size must be 128x128 pixels. Please try to make it at least 512x152, but I can always resize it down. If you wish to use our existing logo as a template, you can download it below. [14-Oct-20 12:24 PM] ericgolde {Attachments} assets\logo-B44A0.png [14-Oct-20 01:03 PM] imthewickedwiener I suck at making logos, but here goes nothing :mango_about_to_cry: {Attachments} assets\Halloween-C1FCA.png [14-Oct-20 01:27 PM] premiering e {Attachments} assets\esslogo-787E6.png [14-Oct-20 01:32 PM] basilicous I suck at everything related to art here are my 2 bad logos {Attachments} assets\logo1-9D941.png [14-Oct-20 01:32 PM] basilicous {Attachments} assets\logo-4E06C.png [14-Oct-20 01:32 PM] liaa#1929 {Attachments} assets\ess-83E39.png [14-Oct-20 01:34 PM] xsintashi {Attachments} assets\Bez_tytuu-ACF2C.png [14-Oct-20 01:35 PM] basilicous Bad logo #3 {Attachments} assets\logo1-3BBEC.png [14-Oct-20 01:38 PM] basilicous idk if anyone likes this changed up the gradient a little {Attachments} assets\logo1-EB3DA.png [14-Oct-20 01:40 PM] basilicous Okay ill stop now {Attachments} assets\logo1-405A2.png [14-Oct-20 01:40 PM] annunciate {Attachments} assets\esslogo-7FF98.png [14-Oct-20 01:45 PM] Scott.#5250 🎃 Don't judge me... its my first time using GIMP. :c Spooky greetings y'all and good luck! 🙂 {Attachments} assets\ESS_Halloween-27EF2.png [14-Oct-20 02:13 PM] aresdev idk if its spooky but yes {Attachments} assets\v1-AA8D3.png [14-Oct-20 02:13 PM] aresdev i upscaled the logo btw {Attachments} assets\v2-43019.png [14-Oct-20 02:25 PM] lilcracko {Attachments} assets\After-7DCE2.png [14-Oct-20 05:06 PM] biometrical {Attachments} assets\Untitled-3A595.png [15-Oct-20 09:48 AM] nonetchuold#7951 {Attachments} assets\ESS_HALLOWEEN_waifu2x_art_scale_tta_1_1-D9397.png [16-Oct-20 03:36 PM] pizzaclient Ngl it does not look the best {Attachments} assets\logo-0A27B.png [16-Oct-20 04:46 PM] imnotstealth i was bored so here you go ik we all lost but its just lols for me @_@ {Attachments} assets\Untitled-B795B.png ============================================================== Exported 20 message(s) ==============================================================