Need for a developer for your Minecraft client? Ping @2Old4This, and upon review, you can post a job listing in this channel.
In your listing, please describe in as much detail as you can, and provide any contact information regarding the gig. This can include DMs / A web form for applications. Please do not post any personal contact information like phone numbers etc, or any invites to guilds.
Once you get enough applicants, you may delete your listing from this channel.
Please do not discuss dollar amounts in the listing, that should be kept between you and the applicant. You are free to say if its a hourly pay, or a one time payment etc.
Eric's Support Server (ESS) is not responsible for the quality or amount of applications you may get. Posting a listing here does not guarantee you will get any applications.
Posting an application here will always be free, but you will be limited to one application per Person/Guild/Company
This channel is an experiment, and may be edited, and or removed at any moment (edited)