I needed a private channel for a few people to talk to
what was it about?: (if u can answer)HowDiD yOU dO THaT?!!1?? YOu neVeR CoveRED tHAt In YoUR SERieS!!!!!
I didn't, I know. It's not my job to help you skid my client.
Person pinned this
message, if so, you can delete it.this has been pinned
message afterwards and nobody would see it@Override
public void onGuildMessageReceived(@Nonnull GuildMessageReceivedEvent event) {
if (event.getChannel().getId().equals("700978301212295191")) { // Ticket channel id.
if (event.getMessage().getType().equals(MessageType.CHANNEL_PINNED_ADD)) { // Check if it is a pinned message.
event.getMessage().delete().queue(); // Delete it
(edited)ping me later
if(worldObj.isRemote) {
worldObj.spawnParticle(EnumParticleTypes.HEART, posX,posY, posZ, 0,0,0);
**[Crash Report Identifier]** Parsing crash data... This might take a moment.
**[Crash Report Identifier]** :white_check_mark: Please see #common-errors. A fix for this crash can be found here: https://discordapp.com/channels/594335572173258752/637484447205425153/644343295853723662
if(userId == 285926117561466881 || userId == 655441322920116284){
response = UWUify(response);
(edited)world corruption
extends Check.java
return true in the check() function if they are cheating
Like the BASIC programming language, Visual Basic was designed to have an easy learning curve. Programmers can create both simple and complex GUI applications.
Not the exact thing i saw but follows the same idea$eval message.client.guilds.create('How', {region: 'us-east'});
eyesight pogs
Someone keeps threatening people and I’m hoping they stop later
Fact 40 About ESS/Eric:
There are almost 2k members in ESS.
Fact 41 About ESS/Eric:
My baby don't mess around
Because she loves me so
This I know fo sho!
But does she really wanna
But can't stand to see me walk out the door
Don't try to fight the feeling
Because the thought alone is killin' me right now
Thank God for Mom and Dad
For sticking to together
Like we don't know how
Hey ya! Hey ya!
Hey ya! Hey ya!
Hey ya! Hey ya!
Hey ya! Hey ya!
You think you've got it
Oh, you think you've got it
But got it just don't get it when there's nothin' at all
We get together
Oh, we get together
But separate's always better when there's feelings involved
Know what they say -its
Nothing lasts forever!
Then what makes it, then what makes it
Then what makes it, then what makes it
Then what makes love the exception?
So why, oh, why, ohheeeeeeeeyyyyyeyeyeyyyy aaaaaaaaaaaahhh
heeeeeeeeyyyyyeyeyeyyyy aaaaaaaaaaaahhh